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Partnership with The Salvation Army

March 18, 2013

The Salvation Army, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, called upon Hope Force International to assist in providing Chaplains and Emotional Spiritual Care workers to some of the hardest hit beach communities in Union Beach, New Jersey. In some local municipalities, 100% of the businesses were destroyed and countless homes flooded and even decimated by the storm surge from the hurricane.

Four months into the recovery, thousands are still separated from their homes ? many are understandably angry and in despair over the length of response time and the lack of resources needed to make things ?normal? once again.

Survivors of disasters and any crisis often need more than simply material items to get back on their feet. A crucial part of recovery is emotional and spiritual care. Sometimes a person only needs a listening ear ? other times prayer, a meal or clothing. The Salvation Army has partnered with HFI since 2004 with both organizations signing a Statement of Understanding in 2005. Since that time, HFI has had the privilege of working closely with the Salvation Army, often times in the deployment of chaplains.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army provided a Meeting Center complete with supplies, food, clothing and funds to help the ones most in need.

Hope Force Chaplains and Emotional and Spiritual Care providers acted as counselors to survivors trying to make ends meet.

Many of the survivors in New Jersey were humbled by the volunteer efforts of Hope Force volunteers who were willing to come from far away to provide a helping hand free of charge.

Full-time HFI Reservist Chaplain Glenda Alexander said this about her experience partnering with the Salvation Army in New Jersey: ?It was unbelievable to see such devastation 120 plus days after the storm. The overwhelming response from those living there was simply how tired they were ? how ready they are to get back to a place of normalcy.?

?We had anywhere from 30-60 families a day come through the center. Not once did I receive a refusal for prayer. It often didn?t come easy for some, but when they realized we were there to listen and to encourage them, it was amazing to hear such incredible stories of survival.?

The Salvation Army and HFI provided a quiet room, away from the hustle and bustle, to give survivors the chance to tell their stories ? a chance to be heard.

Chaplain Chuck Duby heard the story of single mom Makita. She and her two small children chose to ?weather out? the storm, rather than evacuate. As the water rose to nearly chest high, Makita had to ?float? her two small children out the door in plastic storage containers used as makeshift boats. Her actions saved her children as she managed to get to high ground. The family however, lost everything.

When Makita was finally able to return to her rental property, the only way she could keep her home warm was to turn on the gas stove and leave the door open.

After some tearful moments, Chuck prayed for her, providing the ?ministry of presence? so needed by survivors. He was also able to assist in providing help to fix the heating system. Makita also received much needed clothing and food for her family.

If you are interested in becoming a Chaplain with HFI, read Chaplain Chuck Duby's letter here.
To learn more about the Salvation Army, click here



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