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Looking Ahead

December 10, 2011

It has been said that a wise person will "back into the future -- meaning that the past is often a reflection of the future. Likewise, being a student of what has already happened can help us predict what may happen in the future.  If 2011 is any indication of what we may face in the balance of this decade in terms of the frequency and severity of natural disasters, then we're in for troubling times.   

HOPEFORCE VT 20110909 109However, as followers of Jesus, we know that it is in days of great difficulty that the love, help and hope of God becomes the Great Light in the midst of dark times.  We believe that Hope Force International and our 1,000+ volunteer Reservist cadre is uniquely positioned and prepared to be a compassionate response to crisis and disaster survivors at home, in our communities, across the country and around the world.  Together with those who give financially to HFI, those who pray, those who go and by God?s grace and hard work, we have the privilege of extending help and igniting hope in times of tragedy and trouble. 

In Proverbs, the Bible talks about how a prudent man sees danger, and he takes that into consideration.  We should plan and prepare, on a very personal level, what we must do NOW to ensure our ability to minister effectively to others, both near and far, in the future. HFI was created to facilitate that God-given impulse to help the hurting.  Unfortunately, the wherewithal to act is often hindered by a lack of knowledge.  We often hear, "I want to help but I just don't know how, or where to get started." This is where Hope Force International comes in.  HFI is inspired by the love of God to become a pathway of choice for those who long to express God?s unconditional love in very practical terms to the survivors of crisis and calamity.  

As we turn our eyes to next year, we want to express a heartfelt thank-you for your participation and support.  We also want to extend an invitation for greater levels of involvement in 2012. This can be expressed through preparation for service, joining us on deployments both domestic and international, and through investing financially into the ministry to help ensure effectiveness and viability. 

Thank you for standing with us in 2011 and we look forward to great things in the year ahead. 

Jack Minton



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