NJ TN Team

The Action Continues In Haiti

June 11, 2014

A combined HFI team with ten from New Jersey and two from Tennessee put in doors in two "Houses of Hope" and painted four new homes. Once a house is completed, there is a dedication ceremony; as part of the dedication, the new homeowner is given a New Testament in Creole, a mosquito net, a clothes line and, of course, the keys to the house. 

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We have completed 42 homes since the we started building in April 2012. We pray for continued funding this year and more "Houses of Hope" to be erected. Home owners participate in classes, a community project, and in the building process.


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We currently have 96 children enrolled in our Child Sponsorship Program. Team members participated in the monthly food distribution with rice, manna packs (rice & soy mix), a hygiene kit, and special gifts. Another activity that is enjoyed is Kids Club, where the kids, as well as many adults, like coloring while hearing the message of Jesus!

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A mosquito borne virus, "chikungunya" has become an epidemic in Haiti and the team treated many children and adults for the fever and joint/muscle pains. (below: Left) Our very own Hope Force Haiti House is under construction right next to the guesthouse where many of our visiting teams stay. Rene & Marianne Lako, Hope Force Staffers living in Haiti, are anticipating the day their new home will be ready for moving in. (below: Right)

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Want to join Hope Force in Haiti? Here are some details to get you started!


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