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Light on a Hill

June 18, 2018

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden..."  Matt 5:14

2015HaitiTrip227.111901On the highest hill in HFI's adopted village of Sous Savanne, Haiti, sits one of the 72 Houses of Hope we've had the privilege of building since the 2010 earthquake. 

A core value for Hope Force is the "Ministry of Presence" -- the the ability to bring tangible hope with compassionate acts and deeds in a practical, felt way while coming alongside those in need.

For us, that house on the hill represents the beacon of light that is shining strong in the heart of Sous Savanne. Our in-country coordinators, Rene & Marianne Lako, would welcome your help this year with projects throughout the community. We challenge you to pray about getting involved for the purpose of impacting another's life for eternal purposes. Your presence brings life and light because of "who" you represent.  NOTE:  You do not have to be a trained Reservist to go!

If you haven't visited the work of Hope Force in Haiti, or it's been a while, please consider bringing a team in 2018. Your presence makes an incalculable difference, and you'll never be the same! READ MORE 


Filmed by our partners, "The School Sessions", comes this amazing video clip from our adopted village of Sous Savanne! 



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