
Hope Restored

September 21, 2017

Frank’s Story

by Dr. John Van Tiem, HFI Chaplain

Screen Shot 2017 09 21 at 8.42.52 AMWe never know how the work of the Hope Force International (HFI) teams will impact lives and open doors to people's hearts. This was never more true than with Frank.  Frank was involved in a church growing up, but eventually stopped going when he was disillusioned by people who didn't always live up to what they said they believed.

When we first met Frank, he was pretty hardened emotionally. When the team started working at Frank's house, one member asked if he would mind if she prayed for him; he emphatically replied “no!”  At first she had to establish whether that meant "No, you can't pray for me" or "No, I don't mind.” As it turned out, we realized it meant "No, I don't mind" -- but it was also Frank’s way of putting up a wall around his heart.

That all changed when he met a HFI Reservist named Lisa. Hope Force had come to South Carolina two years ago to help flood survivors. Two of the people that were helped were Lisa and her husband.  Since that time, Lisa has taken the Hope Force Reservist training in order to live out II Corinthians 2:4: “…comforting others with the same comfort” she received when she faced her own crisis. Lisa was able to look Frank in the eye and say, "Two years ago, I was at the same place that you are now, and Hope Force helped me find hope."  As the team returned each day, Frank’s heart softened.  He was amazed that people would come from so many different states to help him. "This is changing me," he said.

This is why we do what we do; for both the Lisas and the Franks who need someone to come alongside them and walk with them through times of crisis.  What a privilege to be the tangible representation of God’s compassionate love and care!

We invite you to watch this short video to hear Frank share his story.



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